During the installation it fails to install two of the necessary components to get the program running. If you want to save your time, don't download it. Garbage.
Is there a way to have the file sent to a different file than I Tunes. I don't use I Tunes and it is a pain to have to use when I would rather use a different file.
This program rejuvenated my old Inspiron 8600. The tiny old fans were all bunged up with many years of dust and preverbial funk. A toothbrush and rubbibg alcohol treatment for both punky little fans and they spun like new. However they were not being managed effectively by my OS. (Win XP Pro 2002 sp2) After installing I8kfanGUI, all my internal temp sensors are reading at least 22 degrees F cooler... my chip set temp dramaticly dropped 67 degrees and my 8600 "woke up". It started running much, much faster and even the graphics were better... go figure! I have NEVER had any kind of problem from this program when it was correctly installed in a machine it was intended for.